Greece is the 10th largest global force regarding tourism among OECD
countries, according to an OECD report titled “Tourism Trends and
Policies 2018″.
The reports revealed that 28 million tourists arrived in Greece in
2016, 7.5% more than 2015. Overnight stays amounted to 193.4 million,
2.9% more than in 2015, while the number of cruise passengers remained
steady at 5.1 million.

According to the report, the gross added value of tourism in Greece
in 2016 amounted to 9.6 billion euros, representing 6.4% of the national
gross value added and supporting 366.000 jobs, ie 1 in 10 jobs in
In terms of direct contribution of tourism to the each country’s gross
domestic product (GDP), the rate in Greece exceeded the average OECD
average (4.2%), while its contribution to employment in Greece is
projected to reach 10%, which is the fourth best performance in all
countries, after Iceland, Spain and Ireland, with an average of 7%.
The hospitality industry provided work to 365,892 employees, the food
sector 72,238 positions, the transport sector 261,484, in the rental of
vehicles 3,921 and in the tourist offices and the travel booking
industry 20,872.
The budget of the Ministry of Tourism in 2016 amounted to 49 million
euros, of which 26 million derived from the regular budget (EUR 10
million from state resources) for promotional activities and 13 million
from European co-financing for infrastructure, innovation, projects,
skills and support by media.