Greece is ranked 11th in the preferences of American travelers as a tourist destination, according to online platform “TripHobo”.
The data was collected based on the choices of 700,000 users and revealed that American holidaymakers picked Greece as one of their most popular choices over the last six months.
Canada took first spot, followed by Mexico, Italy and Britain. Californians and Texans loved traveling the most, followed by people from Florida and New York, with the most active travelers being between the ages of 25 and 34.
Millenials traveled more and made more independent travel plans, opting for experience-based holidays. The same group is expected to travel even more in 2017.
There was an increasing trend for shorter getaways, which were the most popular option with an average stay between 3 to 4 days.
1. Canada
2. Mexico
3. Italy
4. Britain
5. France
6. Spain
7. Ireland
8. Japan
9. Germany
10. Thailand
11. Greece
12. Netherlands
13. Switzerland