Ever since the discovery of the largest known Greek
tomb was announced in August, archaeology buffs around the world have
been eagerly awaiting each successive bit of news from the site. The
Amphipolis tomb, which dates to the time of Alexander the Great, is a
prime example of how archaeology can captivate the public imagination
and easily earned a spot on our list of the Top 10 Discoveries of 2014.
Equally impressive was the discovery, after decades upon decades of
searching, of a ship that sank in Arctic waters in present-day Canada
almost 170 years ago while looking for the Northwest Passage. That find
was deemed so momentous that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper took
it upon himself to make the official announcement.
Archaeologists were also hard at work in the lab squeezing as much
insight as possible out of limited evidence. Analysis of 6,000-year-old
funerary wrappings established that ancient Egyptians practiced
artificial mummification much earlier than had been thought. Genetic
material from a skeleton found in an underwater cave in Mexico helped
shed light on the relationship between the first people to arrive in the
Americas and modern Native Americans. And a clever approach to
interpreting the genome of Neanderthals revealed factors beyond the raw
genetic code that explain how they differed from modern humans.
This year’s finds span the globe and tens of thousands of years, but
are united in demonstrating archaeology’s ability to uncover hidden
truths. What better example than the revelation via remote-sensing
technologies that Stonehenge is surrounded by thousands of
yet-to-be-interpreted Neolithic archaeological features? The discoveries
on our top 10 list stand as a reminder that there is always more to
learn about our past.
Greece's Biggest Tomb
(Source: http://www.archaeology.org/)