important center of literature and education of the Byzantine years,
which could be considered as the first Greek university, was excavated
by Professor Ath. Paliouras in the location Losoudi of Asterousia, in
Heraklion regional unit, at an altitude of 880 meters below the top of
Kofinas Mountain.
According to FlashNews, the excavation revealed the monastery of the Three Holy Hierarchs that was founded in the mid 14
th -Century, by the scholar monk Joseph Filagris, who was one of the most important commentators on Aristotle.
Professor G. Papazoglu highlighted the important role of Filagris in
his doctoral thesis under the supervision of the late Professor Nikos
The deserted monastery, which was still unknown, was firstly
discovered in 1992 by the journalist-author Nikos Psilakis who included
it in his book Monasteries and Hermitages of Crete.
The impressive data of the excavation research were presented by
professor Paliouras, in the presence of the Metropolitan bishop of
Gortys and Arkadia Makarios and of the governor of Crete region Stavros Arnaoutakis.
Professor Parliouras underlined that during that time Aristotelian
philosophy was presented throughout Europe “because he was the founder
of the positive sciences,” as he said.
Stavros Arnaoutakis talked about a great effort, “a very important
discovery for the Greek Civilization, the history of Crete, made by
professor Paliouras in cooperation with the Holy Metropolis of Gortys
and Arkadia.